Sales Training

Train your sales & marketing executives and managers to sell with more flair, confidence & assertiveness, developing more fruitful and long-lasting client relationships, while also closing more deals.

Our sales training covers a range of topics, from first impressions and sales presentations to overcoming pain points and negotiations. Each and every step of the sales process is covered. Our programs can be conducted as full-day group workshops or as individual coaching programs for those with lower levels of confidence or experience.

Sales Skills

They say “telling isn’t selling” and they’re right. We show your sales team how to zero in on a client’s needs and offer solutions which best suit them. We place heavy emphasis on the first impression, listening skills and USP messaging.

  • Areas covered:
    • confidence & first impressions
    • needs vs benefits
    • conveying USPs
    • listening & questioning techniques
  • Full-day group workshop $995
  • Six-session individual program $395
Workshop Selling & Negotiation Phnom Penh

Negotiation Skills

It’s considered an art and we train the finer points of it. Negotiation is an expected part of the sales process and requires a high level of confidence, excellent product knowledge, an ability to read the client and move past pain points. This training also features some top negotiation thinking and the world-famous “$2 Game”.

  • Areas covered:
    • negotiation theoryM
    • keys to confidenceM
    • listening & questioning techniquesM
    • managing pain pointsM
  • Full-day group workshop $995
  • Six-session individual program $395

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